Reggie White

Thanks to Jake Rinard for restoring the list on JAG’s Sports Blog.
As promised we now start with portraying Reggie White:
1993-98 White worked as a Defensive End for the Green Bay Packers. He did such a great job, that he was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. His enshrinement speech began as follows:
"Hello. I would first like to thank God, but I would like to specify which God. I'd like to thank the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for making me, my dad, and this whole event, giving us the strength that I know me and my mom are about to receive."
The "Minister of Defense" experienced his personal peak.
For indepth coverage of his early death at 43 years check ESPN and SI. The Reggie White Foundation lives on.


clblogs said…
for the mention to

There is the link to the post.

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