celebrating social bookmarking

This is post # 101 on PlayersPrayers.com.
Time to celebrate by looking back and forth.

First let's look back to about half a year ago when we had our first social bookmarking test. When you say social bookmarking you bet delicious is to win the game. Not here: it was furl.
But since delicious celebrated their 4th birthday not long ago and has announced a major redesign, it is time now to redo our test.

What's the most useful social bookmarking site for PlayersPrayers readers?
- A test on "sport and spirituality":

#1 Furl with 777 results
#2 del.icio.us with 49 results
#4 simpy with 4 results
#4 mister-wong with 1 result
Still delicious is only number two when it comes to highly specific bookmarks. Yet it is still number one as size matters.

Now let's take a look deeper in the past: PlayersPrayers started on March 30th in 2004. Since then there have been 423 posts on PlayersPrayers.de. On December 28th 2006 we launched this international edition you are now reading. Over the last few weeks it became clear that PlayersPrayers' future is not in Germany. With the death of NFL Europa the end of German PlayersPrayers has begun.

Now it's time to focus on future: The readers of PlayersPrayers.de are encouraged to follow us to PlayersPrayers.com. The feedburner redirect is set to do that for you automatically. Thanks go our to our partners and friends, especially at sportrevue and FIVE for supporting our mission.
Thanks and stay tuned on PlayersPrayers.com.


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