Cardiovascular Bible Training

Mary Fairchild posted a review of the GoBible:
"My very favorite feature of the GoBible is the 'Hear in a Year' program. It's a 'Bible in a Year' listening plan that takes you through the entire Bible in 365 days. I really enjoy listening to the Bible while I walk for exercise. In fact, I've been listening on my iPod for about a year now. But the one draw back is there's no real system for keeping track of my progress through the Bible, and I have felt like I was just wandering through the Word aimlessly. However, now that I have the GoBible's daily program, it's so easy to stay on task while I walk. Each daily segment is divided into 12-15 minutes of listening and incorporates a variety of passages from both the Old and New Testament. Having this simple method to track my progress is a real motivator, both for listening and walking!"


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