John DeFendis blessed by God

John DeFendis will be inducted into the WBBG Hall of Fame for his contributions to the fitness industries. David Robson spoke with John on the eve of his induction and they discussed his life as one of the world's best bodybuilder's and top personal trainers. Here you'll find the divine highlights:

On workout
"It was those seemingly endless moments in the gym that were responsible for the person that I have become: one that truly respects life, our God (probably because I was blessed to live through those moments), our journey and the legacy that we will leave behind."

On lifesaving
"My mother had some serious health problems and also weighed over 300 pounds. At 16 years of age I helped her and she lost over 180 pounds. It was a defining moment in my life. It was God's message to me. God was giving me the ticket to my mission in life, which was to help others to become healthier, and to live a better quality of life."

On secrets
"What are the secrets to your success as a bodybuilder and personal trainer? - God's will: My passion, persistence, knowledge, experience and ability to visualize a goal and go after it."

On goals
"What are your future goals? - To continue the mission that God has given me..."


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